Self-Assessment Tests and College

When I was in college, I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world.

-Elon Musk

And after college, that’s exactly what the Tesla founder did. Recently, I took a self -assessment. This test was designed to judge eight inner strengths, which are key in shaping how an individual experiences life. These eight strengths are:

  1. Accepting Personal Responsibility
  2. Discovering Self-Motivation
  3. Mastering Self-Management
  4. Employing Interdependence
  5. Gaining Self-Awareness
  6. Adopting Life Long Learning
  7. Developing Emotional Intelligence
  8. Believing in Yourself

From taking the assessment, as expected, I found that my scores were in the middle category, or “your choices will sometimes keep you on course.” Like I said, this is the outcome I expected. So why take the test? Tests like these are important to take from time to time to make sure the inner compass is still pointing in a direction you want. Especially as someone in college. College age is traditionally where people decide what direction they want their life to take. We can’t all invent Tesla and Space X like Elon Musk, but we can all do something to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. So I’m glad I took this Self-Assessment test, and I would recommend you do so as well.

This Site has a list of Self-Assessment tests you can take, some free some paid. They serve to offer some insight into your life. Give one a try.

The Skill of Humor


Everybody is born with a varying degree of seriousness or lack thereof, and generally those who are less serious are the people who become comedians or have a knack of making people laugh. But I’m here to tell you that anybody can win a room over with humor regardless of the disposition they’re born with.

How? Through the skill of humor. Over the past few years, the “skill of humor” has been brought to the eye of the general public, in part by Andrew Tarvin and his company Humor That Works . Andrew focuses on the skill of humor in the professional workplace, and how beneficial it can be to have a few laughs throughout the day.

What do I mean by the skill of humor? Well, everybody can train themselves to be funny. Just like learning to play an instrument, some learn quickly, some will not. Just like learning an instrument, some will be more successful than others. Not everyone who learns to play the guitar will be Slash, and not everyone who teaches themselves to be funny will be Kevin Hart.

Why should you teach yourself to be funny? Humor is key in lowering stress levels, is helpful in negotiations, and above all can drastically increase your likeability and help you build relationships whether it be in a romantic way, in the workplace or just as friends. I encourage you to explore it more, and I will write more on the subject in the future.